Local Recovery Meetings

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尽管D.C. 酒吧 Lawyer Assistance Program (LAP) is not affiliated with 匿名戒酒互助社 (AA) or any other program, the LAP finds that most recovering lawyers find active participation in one or more 12–step programs to be an important part in their staying clean and sober. Both Virginia and the District have meetings attended primarily by lawyers. These meetings are intended to provide an anonymous and confidential environment where recovering lawyers can work together on their common problems.

D.C. 澳博app互诫会

  • 日期: 每星期一
    时间: 6:30 p.m.
    细节: For more information on D.C. 澳博app互诫会, contact the Lawyer Assistance Program at 202–347–3131, or visit the links below.

Northern Virginia Lawyers’ Meeting

  • 日期: 每星期一
    时间: 6:00 p.m.
    赞助商: Virginia Lawyers Helping Lawyers
    细节: For more information on the Northern Virginia lawyers’ meetings, contact the Lawyer Assistance Program at 202–347–3131, or visit the links below.

Local Recovery Meetings
