统治我. Organization of the 酒吧 of the District of Columbia

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The District of Columbia Court of Appeals in the exercise of its inherent powers over members of the legal profession does hereby create, as an official arm of the Court, an association of members of the 酒吧 of the District of Columbia to be known as the District of Columbia 酒吧, and pursuant to its statutory authority governing admissions to the 酒吧 promulgates the following rules for the government of the 酒吧 and the individual members thereof:

第一节. 协会的成立
All persons admitted to practice law in the District of Columbia are hereby organized as an association to be known as the “District of Columbia 酒吧” subject to the provisions of the 规则 hereinafter set forth.

“D”这个词.C. 酒吧” or “the 酒吧” wherever used in these 规则 mean the District of Columbia 酒吧.

The words “the Court” wherever used in these 规则 mean the District of Columbia Court of Appeals unless the context requires otherwise.

The words “Secretary of the 酒吧” and “董事会 of Governors” wherever used in these rules refer to elected officials of the 酒吧.

The words “the Bylaws” refer to the Bylaws of the 酒吧.

澳博app公会, for the purpose of carrying out the purposes for which it is organized, 苏和被起诉, 签订合同, 收购, 持有, encumber and dispose of real and personal property.

第二节. 目的
The purposes of the 酒吧 shall be (a) to assist the legal profession in maintaining high standards of the practice of law in the District of Columbia; (b) to aid the courts of the District of Columbia in carrying out and improving the administration of justice; (c) to promote access to justice and enhance the delivery of legal services to those in need; (d) to foster and maintain on the part of those engaged in the practice of law high ideals of integrity, 学习, 公共服务能力, and high ethical standards; (e) to safeguard the proper professional interests of the members of the 酒吧; (f) to encourage the formation and support the activities of volunteer bar associations; (g) to provide a forum for and publish information about the practice of law, the science of jurisprudence and law reform, and the relationship of the 酒吧 to the public; and (h) to carry on a continuing program of legal research and education in the technical fields of substantive law, practice and procedure; and make reports and recommendations thereon; to the end that the public responsibility of the legal profession may be more effectively discharged.

